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Program Guidelines
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- Events Calendar
- City Events Gallery
- Adopt-a-Programs
- Aquatic Center
- Civic Center
- Cultural Arts Center
- Museum
- Westside Community Center
- Monarch City
- Parks and Recreation Meetings
- Parks
- Programs
- Adult Programs
- Afterschool Programs, Youth Sports, Summer & Specialty Camps
- Senior Center and Programs
- Sponsorships
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Interested in keeping your local park in your Sanford community litter free? Grab a neighbor, friend, relative or coworker and become one of Sanford’s Clean Teams! See your team’s name proudly displayed on a sign at the park or trail! Any local community organization, school group or business group, as well as individuals 18 years of age or older may Adopt-A-Park or trail maintained by the City, subject to an approval process.
Assemble your team and contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 407.688.5103 to coordinate a trash removal site and provide you with trash bags and grabbers. Be sure to choose a cool team name so we can post it on your park signs … and brag about you on our website and social media sites!
2021 Download Sign Up sheet …………………………………………………………….
2021 Download Sign Up sheet
Hold Harmless and Release Form ………………………………………………………..
Hold Harmless and Release Form
Guidelines for adopting a park is as follows:
- Participants must execute a hold harmless agreement.
- Groups shall maintain a designated coordinator from the group for all Program activities.
- You must agree to dedicate one year to the program.
- Agree to Adopt-A-Park, trail or public space as designated by the City’s Adopt- A-Park staff.
- Commit to clean-up the adopted park a minimum of four times per year.
- Participants must schedule and record all of their clean-ups through the City’s Adopt-A-Park staff.
- Your group is responsible for furnishing adult supervision for participants who are 17 and under.
- Participants shall attend an initial instruction and training Program relative to their obligation to follow safety practices as well as familiarization with the park, trail or public space assigned by the City’s Adopt-A-Park staff.
- You will be responsible for any equipment provided by the City.
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Program Guidelines
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Adopt-A-Bench Program
Are you searching for an unusual gift for someone special? What about a one-of-a-kind way to recognize a friend, or a unique way to memorialize a loved ones?
Consider adopting a park bench!
The City of Sanford Parks & Recreation Department’s “Adopt-A-Bench” program provides benches for installation throughout the City’s Parks & Recreation facilities. The Parks & Recreation Department staff invites residents, businesses, and organizations to “Adopt-A-Bench” for placement in pre-designated locations, or in a location, subject to approval, that you might suggest. The bench can be inscribed with the donor’s name or dedication.
By adopting a bench, you will not only memorialize someone special to you, but you will also be contributing to the Sanford Park system and improving upon the beauty of Sanford. “Adopt-A-Bench” TODAY! Locations: Riverwalk, Goldsboro Trail, Terwilliger Trail, Ft. Mellon Park, Historic Downtown Sanford, All other City Parks.
The donations qualify as a charitable contribution tax deduction. (For more information on charitable contributions see IRS Publication #526)
Bench availability is limited, so don’t miss out on this unique opportunity! To adopt a bench, contact the Sanford Parks & Recreation Department at 407.688.5103.
Guidelines for adopting a bench:
- Applications submitted to the Parks & Recreation Offices (300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL)
- City of Sanford Parks & Recreation staff will review the application for final approval.
- $1,000 to adopt an existing bench.
- $1,500 to adopt a new bench (applicant can suggest a location – final approval is at the sole discretion of the Parks & Recreation Department).
- Cost covers the manufacturing and installation of the bench with a commemorative plaque.
- Wording on the plaque is limited to 2 lines, 18 characters per line.
- The life-cycle of commercial grade benches is approximately 10 years; the condition of the bench is graded at the sole discretion of the Parks & Recreation Department.
- Bench maybe relocated or removed at the sole discretion of the Parks & Recreation Department for any reason including future park development.
- Bench placements will be completed not more than 6 months after approval and payment has been received.
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Download the Application
Adopt-A-Road Program
Interested in keeping your block or a road in your Sanford community litter free? Grab a neighbor, friend, relative or coworker and become one of Sanford’s Clean Teams! See your team’s name proudly displayed on TWO road signs! Assemble your team and contact the Public Works Solid Waste Division at 407.688.5089 to coordinate a trash removal site and to provide you with trash bags and safety vests. Be sure to choose a cool team name so we can post it on your road signs … and brag about you in the Sanford Herald!
Adopt-a-Road Release and Agreement ……………………………………………………….
Adopt-a-Road Release and Agreement
Adopt-a-Road Sign Up sheet ………………………………………………………………………..
Adopt-a-Road Sign Up sheet
Guidelines for adopting a road:
Any local community organization, school group or business group, as well as individuals 18 years of age or older may adopt roadways maintained by the City, subject to an approval process.
Participants must execute a hold harmless agreement.
Maintain a designated coordinator from the group for all Program activities.
Agree to dedicate two years to the program.
Agree to adopt a minimum portion of a roadway as designated by the City’s Adopt A Road staff.
Commitment to clean-up the adopted road four times per year.
Participants must schedule and record all of their clean-ups through the City’s Adopt A Road staff.
- The group is responsible for furnishing adult supervision for participants who are 17 and under.
Attend an initial instruction and training program relative to their obligation to follow safety practices as well as familiarization with the right-of-way assigned by the City’s Adopt A Road staff.
Be responsible for signage and safety equipment as provided by the City.
Download the Application